Pelvic Health Specialist – Dr. Susie Gronski and Team

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Worry your words or actions are being misinterpreted?

A common stressor that guys experience is that you’ll be misinterpreted and won’t be seen for who you truly are. This uncertainty is a sign of lacking confidence in yourself and how you come across to others. When you show up as your authentic self, there’s no uncertainty or confusion: you feel confident in who you are and understand how you'll be perceived.

Becoming confident in who you are can help you overcome stressors in all relationships: from work to family and even dating. Shadow work, a transformative self-exploration technique, delves into unraveling the stories we create in our minds that make situations seem heavier than they should be. Often, these stories revolve around untrue narratives.

Shadow work helps you tackle the parts of yourself that are often tucked away in the dark. When you’ve done the work to foster self-awareness, confidence, and the ability to navigate emotional terrain, dating can be a fun and fulfilling experience.

This information is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding treatment, medications/supplements, or any medical diagnoses. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way to substitute the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.