Men Seeking Relief from Pelvic Pain Don’t Have Anywhere to Turn.
If you’ve ever looked up your pelvic pain symptoms on Google or WebMD, the results can be terrifying. Looking to forums for help can end up being just as hopeless. Scans, blood work, and invasive tests all come back negative, further perpetuating the fear and anxiety of the secret lingering in your loins.
The world of pelvic health is still heavily focused on women. If I were a man looking for help, a women’s health clinic or women’s health therapist wouldn’t seem all that appealing. Nor would I ever imagine that a women’s health therapist can also work on men’s health issues.
Those who do gather the courage to get care from a female therapist often say that they felt ashamed, nervous and tense on the table. Gritting their teeth, agonizing over the dreaded finger, all for the sake of getting rid of the headache in their pelvis.
When you ask any of these men if this made them feel better, most will unhesitatingly reply no. Because treating pain with more pain doesn’t work. And going straight for the rectum for internal work or asking the man to hold his genitals “out of the way” are the direct route to making him regret he sought out therapy in the first place.
Men With Pelvic Pain Deserve Better
Too often, men find themselves on the receiving end of countless, unnecessary, and often harmful treatment options when all they need is a caring, empathetic practitioner who listens and understands the predicaments that come with being human. They also need a practitioner who knows why and how manual therapy influences the nervous system. Pain is both a sensory and emotional experience that can be toned down through touch. Manual therapy, movement, and exercise are used by therapists to influence the patient’s nervous system and help change the brain’s interpretation of a perceived threat. As a result, the man gains a greater sense of safety, diminishing the need for protection, which is frequently the source of pain.
The simplest treatments are often the best treatments. Not only that. Treating male pelvic pain isn’t all about manual therapy and modalities. It’s about the conversations, the trust, and the safety we, as practitioners, create for a man who has struggled to find somewhere safe and supportive to address his issue. Often, this means feeling comfortable enough to step into the world of that patient without an agenda. It’s the courage to listen mindfully without thinking of the next thing to say. It’s being okay sitting with silence.
These are the human skills that I’ve learned help my clients to navigate through a painful time in their life. And these are the human skills I wish I had focused on sooner, instead of the countless hours, time, and money I spent perfecting my manual therapy skills thinking that my hands were magic. Because if there’s one piece of advice I would myself 10 years ago, it’s that the magic doesn’t come from your hands; it comes from your heart. The ultimate magic trick is showing someone that they’re the one who knows how the magic trick works. They’re the one who possesses the power to make themselves feel better - even in the face of adversity.
This information is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding treatment, medications/supplements, or any medical diagnoses. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way to substitute the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.