Ryan Cazares tells us how he stopped giving too many f*cks about pelvic pain and took his health by the reigns as a patient at our clinic. You can read more about Ryan’s experience with pelvic pain on his blog, Pain Drain.
“If you don’t let it [pelvic pain] wreck your life, it’s just a minor inconvenience”
(yup, we’re holding a plus testicle and prostate)
(All that work deserves some good chow! Chai Pani, Asheville, NC)
Ryan’s take-home messages:
“You’ve got to take care of yourself before you can help others.”
“Everyone’s got a struggle.”
Ryan’s must-reads for pelvic pain:
Ryan’s favorite meditation apps:
Despite pain, Ryan’s got some inspirational accomplishments worth sharing.
Ryan’s an optometrist by day…
And a rockstar by night. Check out his band, Dr. C & the Gris Gris
Ryan’s a die hard musician whose passion is to share music with the rest of his community which inspired him to create the M.I. Brary Project to bring out your inner musician.
Don’t forget to connect with Ryan on IG @PainDrain and follow his blog, Pain Drain.
This information is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding treatment, medications/supplements, or any medical diagnoses. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is in no way to substitute the advice of a licensed healthcare professional.